The annual Irish parade here, preparing for its 250th anniversary this year, is said to be the "oldest and biggest in the world".
Over the years, conflict over the right to march has practically become its own -tradition within the larger tradition of the Irish parade.
Behind all the legal and political jousting, the dispute is remarkably simple: should homosexuals be allowed to march in a predominantly Irish Catholic parade?
The Mayor's public appearances yesterday, including an Irish parade on Staten Island, were canceled, and aides forecast a light schedule for him for the next few days.
In these multicultural times, those of us who are not-Irish are encouraged to stand by the roadside cheering as the Irish parade their Irishness.
The idea of wanting to go to an Irish parade, rather than having to go, is mind-boggling.
"It's an Irish Catholic parade," Mr. Barker said.
"My father told me "If you miss an Irish parade, you aren't Irish.'