This man, having spent some time in the Irish equivalent on the British Territorial Army, was able to convincingly march up and down the gate.
It is the Irish equivalent of the Greek Elysium or the Valhalla of the Norse.
I think what we have here is the Irish equivalent of a few of your American rednecks, just like the ones you see at the cinema.
This was an Irish equivalent of such long-established English institutions as the Order of the Garter.
However, one should not regard the U2s as an Irish equivalent of the LMS 2P; they were quite different engines.
Its Northern Irish equivalent is First Form or Year 8, which is also the first year of secondary school.
The Northern Irish equivalent is Year 9 or Second Form, also the second year of secondary education.
The British and Irish equivalent is an earl (whose wife is a "countess", for lack of an English term).
Due to similarity in sound, Tadhg is often listed as an Irish equivalent of the name Thaddeus or Timothy, but these names are not actually related.
The Irish equivalents are: