The Irish defender was furious when he was judged to have given away a late penalty for tripping Andy Sinton.
The Irish defender committed himself well to the task, and managed to keep a clean sheet, including one desperate save in a one-on-one with Robbie Keane.
Anderson was running with intensity and was many yards behind the closest Irish defender.
Cromwell's 8,000 men eventually took the town from its 2,000 Irish defenders, but not before they suffered losses of around 2,000 soldiers.
The victory belonged to the Irish defenders, who held a nationally-ranked opponent without a touchdown for a second straight week.
The classy Irish defender can already picture the season building to a climax with Aston Villa and United slugging it out for the Championship.
Clearly, we had arrived at the most providential moment: the Irish defenders were exhausted; they stood swaying on their legs, barely able to raise their arms.
The Irish defenders of the place were commanded by a distinguished French general, the Marquis de St Ruth.
The Mountaineer coaches have had weeks to evaluate what worked for the Irish defenders and what areas might be exploited when the expected blitzes arrive.
On fourth-and-10 on his 32-yard line and Notre Dame leading by a point, Smoker planted his back foot as the blitzing Irish defenders closed in.