Today, many Quebecers have an Irish ancestor somewhere in their family tree.
Their 19th-century Irish ancestors come to America, where later generations form families that include other races and cultures.
She had Irish ancestors on her mother's side; that showed in her skin color, recessed cheekbones, broad face.
Early Irish ancestors gave us the vast bulk of the local placenames we use to this day, especially our townland names.
Have the President's Irish ancestors been worked into the anti-Churchill narrative yet?
I have Irish ancestors who were sent there and came back.
Start off by saying I've Irish ancestors on both sides of the family.
She currently lives in Maryland with her family and is working on a historical novel about her Irish ancestors.
Many people in the city have Scottish or Irish ancestors.
Ireland Park is a tribute to all the Irish ancestors who came with only hope, for a new life in a promising country.