"A Map of the Universe by Blink" was an Irish top ten album.
In other words, we've an excuse to revisit some of the very best British and Irish albums of the past 12 months.
The album went on to become the biggest-selling Irish album ever, and this, along with the subsequent tour, advanced Black's career in the music industry.
Sea Sew was a critical success, earning rave reviews and being named by some music critics amongst the best Irish albums of the year.
Home is a traditional Irish album, where the band covered many traditional Irish songs.
A total of 180 Irish albums were released in 2006.
Some music critics called the recording one of the best Irish albums of the year.
Over 180 Irish albums were released in 2008.
The album entered the charts at number 16 and became one of the most popular Irish albums of the year.
The Irish Daily Star named it among its top 10 Irish albums of 2011.