The supreme council has a 10,000-man army, armed by Iran, and controls many Iraqi towns near the Iranian border.
The station's name is also the name of the Iraqi town where Saddam and other members of his government were born.
He denied that even a single Iraqi town had fallen and also said that American soldiers had been captured.
About 1,000 families returned to one destroyed Iraqi town after leaving camps riddled with dysentery and typhoid.
This article is about the Iraqi town of Anah.
They come to a small Iraqi town and find a man-eating monster instead.
Refugees said it stretched for 40 more miles, past the Iraqi town of Diana, but there was no way to verify the assertion.
They were allowed to shadow eight members of the unit deployed in the Iraqi town of Falluja.
American troops restored order when Kurds stormed a police station in an Iraqi town.
Roughly 150 artillery batteries based around the Iraqi town of Tanomah fired the opening salvo.