The topic was the role of Islam in the new Iraqi state.
It had a monopoly on government letters of credit, which in the Iraqi state driven economy, was substantial.
"It's an Iraqi state that temporarily has an abridged sovereignty."
He added, "Both have been excluded from power for almost 83 years of the Iraqi state."
"We regard this as an internal affair between the Iraqi state and outlaws," he said at a news conference.
During his many terms in office, he was involved in some of the key policy decisions that shaped the modern Iraqi state.
The Dulaimis had a big role in founding the modern Iraqi state.
With the committee established, the stage was set for a struggle over the nature of the future Iraqi state.
"The coalition did not have the resources, understanding or ability to run the Iraqi state," she told Congress.
The men and women who are trying to bring down the new Iraqi state are systematically wiping out its political class.