This was well below the 6,000 men requested by the Iraqi monarchy and even less than the British set limit of 4,500.
In 1947, the Iraqi monarchy entered into secret negotiations with the British government.
It blew up after the Iraqi monarchy was overthrown by revolution.
Gaylani only returned from exile after the revolution that overthrew the Iraqi monarchy in 1958.
British set up an Iraqi monarchy that was replaced by a military regime in a bloody 1958 coup.
Raad was born in 1936 as a subject of Iraqi monarchy and is regarded to fulfill the nationality requirement.
On July 14, 1958, the Iraqi monarchy was overthrown in a military coup.
This event was the first sign to the Jewish community that minority rights were meaningless under Iraqi monarchy.
In response, Nasser launched a media campaign that challenged the legitimacy of the Iraqi monarchy.
The front welcomed the 14 July Revolution of 1958, which toppled the Iraqi monarchy.