But Iraqi and foreign experts alike estimate that at least one-third of the work force is either unemployed or underemployed.
Iran's attack into northeastern Iraq last week was a tactical success, but is of little strategic importance, according to both American and Iraqi military experts.
There were also Iraqi military experts in the northern republican guards and brigades.
The independent report, compiled after a meeting of Iraqi and foreign experts in Vienna from March 20 to 27, reaches the same conclusion.
The first private interviews with Iraqi experts have taken place without official escorts.
Few of these people are Iraqi experts.
Right now engineers are on the ground, working with Iraqi experts to restore power and fix broken water pipes in Baghdad and other cities.
American and Iraqi experts also say there appear to be important distinctions among the umbrella groups.
A better approach would have been for Iraqi legal experts to form a partnership - through United Nations auspices - with international jurists.
He is soliciting Iraqi experts to make decisions like these.