The Iraqi command had been driven into a panic, and attempted a tactical withdrawal, which turned into a rout.
Air attacks were made on Iraqi command and control centers, communications facilities, supply depots, and reinforcement forces.
American commanders, however, concluded that the Iraqi command and control was weakening and pressed their advantage.
Administration officials said the Iraqi military command requested the delay tonight for what were described as "understandable logistical reasons."
It was led by Iraqi command and targeted 8 villages in the area.
In retaliation, the Iraqi high command ordered large-scale chemical and high-explosive bombardment of the city.
As dispersed forces, the fedayeen could survive long after the lines of Iraqi military command have been disrupted.
Even more interesting, if more speculative, are their musings on what the Iraqi high command might be thinking.
The intelligence reports were based on intercepted communications between the Iraqi high command and field commanders, officials said.
This stunning success led the Iraqi command to decide to expand the original battle into a larger offensive campaign against Iran.