In June 1961, Qasim re-ignited the Iraqi claim over the state of Kuwait.
Dr. ElBaradei indicated that he thought the Iraqi claim was credible.
The Pentagon dismissed the Iraqi claims.
Most disturbing, the report said, were Iraqi claims that missile warheads containing biological weapons had been destroyed.
Without this the world can have no confidence in Iraqi claims to have ended all work on unconventional weapons.
We have counted 17 examples when the previous inspectors actually uncovered evidence contradicting Iraqi claims.
Repeated Iraqi claims that it had shown the inspectors everything were dismissed as unacceptable.
The United States has no information that would confirm Iraqi claims that they have captured allied airmen.
While Baghdad says that these stocks were destroyed, some without international inspectors present, Unscom has been unable to verify the Iraqi claim.
He reported hearsay evidence - just as I had done with regard to his family - and did little to investigate Iraqi claims.