Instead, the journey ended in the Arbabi detention center in this Iranian town one hour from the border with Afghanistan.
There is a modern Iranian town in the same place as Susa.
It seized and razed to the ground the Iranian town of Islamabad-e Gharb.
In addition to the very large national Bonyads, "almost every Iranian town has its own bonyad", affiliated with local mullahs.
When the Iranian town of Bam was devastated in the 2003 earthquake, Saei put his medals on auction to raise money for the victims.
The narrowest part of the passage was just over a hundred miles between Qatar and the Iranian town of Basatin.
Mr. Hussein countered by taking the Iranian town of Mehran, but later was forced to retreat.
The modern Iranian town of Shush is located at the site of ancient Susa.
He then travelled to various Iranian towns and taught Persian literature.
The group is considered to be relatively small but has camps in the Iranian towns of Mariwan and Sanandej.