In a first ever Telethon in Iran, he produced and personally executed a seven hour "Special" to help Iranian refugees from Iraq.
He was a direct descendant of an Iranian refugee who fled from Iran to the west coast of British India in the early 1790s.
A good many Iranian refugees fled to Gujarat, settling in the ports of Surat and Bharuch.
His interest in the country stemmed from contact he had had with Iranian refugees in Australia.
Rep. Waxman leads bipartisan effort to reinstate critical escape route for Iranian refugees.
Why not reach out to evangelical Christians and Iranian refugees as well?
Djafar Seyfi, an Iranian refugee who gained status in 1995, was arrested in September 1996 and deported later the same year.
Secondly, I find incredible the threats which the Iraqi authorities have made to freeze the supply of vital goods to Iranian refugees.
Is the same not true of the Iraqi authorities and their scandalous intervention in Camp Ashraf, which houses Iranian refugees?
Since the revolution in Iran two decades ago, it has taken in Iranian Jewish refugees.