This is now an even more difficult decision for the Iranian leadership to take, as they have already sold their "victory" to the Iranian public.
President Khatami has generally adopted a low profile since he took office in August, rarely speaking out either to reporters or to the Iranian public.
The nationalization of the oil industry was supported by the vast majority of the Iranian public.
Not only has this lost its cachet with much of the Iranian public, it also serves to compound Iran's economic problems by blackening its image abroad.
The news stunned the Iranian public, but Mirebrahimi, who was twenty-four years old and the political editor of the newspaper Etemaad, found reason for optimism.
The site has also housed a bookstore and a museum (both are closed to foreigners and the general Iranian public, though exceptions do exist).
Iranian public were driving home out of the dockyard and the great arc lights which had floodlit the lnagnificent parade were finally switched off.
Promoting the production and broadcasting of information with a strong European angle can play an important role in fostering better mutual understanding with the Iranian public.
After he consolidated his rule, Mr. Rafsanjani began to condition the Iranian public to the notion of releasing some or all the hostages.
It is generally acknowledged that the Iranian public would welcome relations with the United States.