In the Iranian capital, foreign envoys say the size of the buildup is not impressive.
With its relatively short history and concrete skyline, you might expect the Iranian capital to be something of a cultural wasteland.
Later today, the Iranian capital appeared to be subjected to an air raid by Iraqi forces.
He looked out at the mountains and the minarets and the twinkling lights of the ancient Iranian capital.
Iraq said its warplanes bombed the Iranian capital, Teheran, and nine other cities today.
At least 12 petrol stations have been torched in the Iranian capital, Tehran.
Moheydar is located about 369 miles south of the Iranian capital, Tehran.
It was the first time in several months that the Iranian capital was attacked.
Indeed, the Iranian capital was in the main attacked by aircraft, at least early in the war.
The Aziz visit was the first in a decade to the Iranian capital by a senior Iraqi official.