Taking advantage of the quiet, the CIA and its Iranian allies struck again, and on August 19 the coup d'état replaced Mosaddeq with Zahedi.
Several Palestinian groups, including Hamas, are Iranian allies.
Syria and its Iranian ally do not maintain terrorists just against Israel but against the West.
This topic was pressed on Syria, an Iranian ally, last weekend by Secretary of State Colin L. Powell.
In 1800 one of Darejan's sons, Alexander, openly broke with his half-brother and attempted a coup with the help of his Avar and Iranian allies.
This report contains detailing of Iran's involvement, which simply shouldn't be surprising given how vital Syria is as an Iranian ally.
Earlier, Teheran said its troops were battling Iraqi forces and their Iranian allies who had fought their way back into Islamabad-i-Gharb, 60 miles inside the border.
He also stated that what he called "Iran's international interests" must take precedence over those of Iranian allies in Syria and Lebanon.
In 429 under their king Gaiseric (r. 428-477) the Vandals and the Alans (their Iranian allies), about 80,000 people, traveled the 2000 km.
He was also clear that Iran's international interests must take precedence over those of Iranian allies in Syria and Lebanon.