"But Internet-based and Internet-enabled technologies are beginning to transform the way we live the other 95 percent of our lives," he said.
Verizon, the nation's largest telecommunications provider, will sell two Avaya products, including one that relies on Internet-based technology.
In the short run, telephone companies have begun integrating Internet-based technology at points along their networks.
Businesses large and small have begun using Internet-based technology to route data and voice within their internal networks.
Subsequently, Internet-based technologies considered in the work of the Commission, served as a means for furthering MacBride's visions.
His expertise is Internet-based technologies.
But new Internet-based technology and other innovations now allow all that content to travel over unified digital networks.
By that, he meant reliably delivering high-definition video to television sets using Internet-based technology.
In a corner of the entertainment and marketing industry long resistant to change, Internet-based technologies are beginning to reorder how things are done.
Analysts stated that Novell missed opportunities to capitalize on client-server computing and emerging Internet-based technologies.