The group released a video on the Internet showing what it claimed was the burning craft and the bodies of passengers.
In one such attack, a photograph was posted on the Internet showing Mr. Healy naked, unconscious and slumped on his front porch after a night of drinking.
On January 25, 2011, he released a video montage onto the Internet showing the Egyptian people's frustrations with the then-regime that sparked the revolution.
In January 2009 two video recordings emerged on the Internet showing soldiers in the South Ossetian uniforms torturing a captured Georgian soldier whom the relatives identified as Antsukhelidze.
At the end of February a group called the Al-Nusra Front to Protect the Levant claimed responsibility for the attack and placed a 45-minute video on the Internet showing its preparation.
Video images were posted on the Internet showing people jeering and taunting the former president.
There are a lot of sites on the Internet showing how to set one of these up.
There are even videos on the Internet showing the F3 being thrown from a 3 story building into tarmac, and being run over by a car on a gravel surface.
A video surfaced on the Internet showing rebels leading four supposed Assad loyalists, including the alleged head of a local militia, into a schoolyard.
On May 8, 2009, a video was released onto the Internet showing a character resembling Jade running through a city, dodging its police force.