Most younger doctors are committed members of the Internet generation, but older physicians are often computer shy.
This is a hard, if not impossible, sell to an Internet generation that wants it NOW.
When the revamped pilot did not take off, Sherlock decided to resurrect his creation for the Internet generation.
This is truly the Internet generation and this generation will grow with a completely different set of experiences.
Oxygen began with the Laybournes' picking the brains of the Internet generation, who knew more than they did about convergence.
"Those from the old left, the generation of 1968, can have a good romp with the young and the Internet generation," he said.
In your post you imply that the Chinese have "an Internet generation that came to acquire a sense of sympathy for Hitler".
Mr President, the new Internet generation is making many interactive applications possible.
It tells us what a generation is - a Pepsi generation, a Mac generation, an Internet generation.
He says that if that new technology is to gain the confidence of the Internet generation, the companies will need to rethink their outlook.