It was a movie that had generated a huge amount of Internet chatter but turned out to be dead on arrival.
The show has inspired endless Internet chatter and solicits participation by viewers, who play its popular multiplatorm game, the Lost Experience.
Racist groups hailed Markelov's killing in Internet chatter, but it is unclear whether they were behind it.
Other groups hailed Markelov's killing in Internet chatter, but it is unclear whether they were connected to it.
"Attendance at the events is up, and the Internet chatter is much higher."
Revolution Studios, the producer, describes the film as a dark psychological thriller about "secrets, lies and Internet chatter."
Internet chatter, understand this app's strengths and weaknesses, and determine if it's right for your project.
Internet chatter and celebrity magazines probably won't lead many people to decide whether to see "Apocalypto" or not, though.
Internet bots monitor news articles, blogs, forums, and other forms of Internet chatter.
Facing a barrage of Internet chatter, Posnanski, like his subject, went "underground."