They met, by the way, in an Internet chat room.
Over the summer, he met a woman in an Internet chat room, and she has since become his girlfriend.
He would hang out in Internet chat rooms and give teenagers his home phone number.
Internet chat rooms were filled with talk of the stock.
In an Internet chat room, many people can talk at once.
It was as if he had too many friends, all digressing in the same Internet chat room.
The two sixteen-year-olds meet for the first time on an Internet chat room, where they eventually fall in love with each other.
The two first meet in an Internet chat room, where they share their feelings and become close friends.
Internet chat rooms and cable television shows focus on the stock.
It was known for its Internet chat room and prank calls.
They met, by the way, in an Internet chat room.
Over the summer, he met a woman in an Internet chat room, and she has since become his girlfriend.
He would hang out in Internet chat rooms and give teenagers his home phone number.
Internet chat rooms were filled with talk of the stock.
In an Internet chat room, many people can talk at once.
It was as if he had too many friends, all digressing in the same Internet chat room.
The two sixteen-year-olds meet for the first time on an Internet chat room, where they eventually fall in love with each other.
The two first meet in an Internet chat room, where they share their feelings and become close friends.
Internet chat rooms and cable television shows focus on the stock.
It was known for its Internet chat room and prank calls.