Communication with medical specialists takes place though specially encrypted Internet channels, securing patients' confidential medical data.
(The company may consider establishing a separate Internet channel called the Minisode Network later.)
This avoids many of the problems inherent in engineering streaming voice communications over Internet channels, but delays receipt of each transmission until it is complete.
And what with the Internet channels coming in line, we'll be able to blow anything we feel like right out of the water, so to speak.
Internet channels such as YouTube were used by candidates to share speeches and ads for free.
In 10 years, movies and commercial television might very well be carried over Internet channels.
Served as chairman of, an Internet channel for space exploration for kids of all ages.
The partnership would allow gamers to listen to their own music, selected from Internet channels, while they play.
Individual women used a variety of Internet channels to connect with other women and create their own protests.
The tracks spread quickly over established Internet channels such as Napster.