Use it to steal and retrieve Internet accounts of the victim's computer.
What happens when a family paying bills online drops its Internet account?
And China is heading from about 400,000 Internet accounts, last year, to more than 20 million early in the next century.
From here, you could set me up with an Internet account in any of these cities?
"You've got mail," the electronic voice announced as she accessed her special Internet account.
Now, to the church's dismay, they're free with an Internet account.
Despite all the hubbub, the superstores and the Internet account for less than 1 percent of car sales.
The state says he stole credit card numbers to pay for Internet accounts used to send spam.
China now has some 1.2 million Internet accounts, many shared by several users, with the numbers zooming.
The information will get through, unless a government is willing to close down every school and every business that has an Internet account.