If such programs are critical to your work, wait until they've been updated to speak the Intel chip's language before buying an Intel-based Mac.
The challenge: to figure out how to install Windows on an Intel-based Mac.
So you can't boot SpinRite on an Intel-based Mac directly.
Version 8 was released in May 2008 and introduced a universal binary for Intel-based Macs.
The programming software does work on Intel-based Macs.
They don't run on Intel-based Macs, either, and never will.
It is not possible to play this game on Intel-based Macs without an emulator (a technique that would work with any modern operating system).
You still need an Intel-based Mac, though this time it must also be 64-bit.
It was the first version to run natively on Intel-based Macs.
July 8, 2006 - Flip4Mac did not officially run on Intel-based Macs.