In contrast, Georgia Tech Research Corporation and Steven's Institute of Technology are both investigating the gasification of biomass.
Institute 22 have investigated around 3000 UFO reports.
The Institute investigates alleged sweatshop conditions in developing countries that export goods to the United States and Europe.
Founded in 1991 the Institute for Visual Media creatively and critically investigates the permanently transforming media culture.
The Institute investigates facts surrounding social and economic conditions in South Africa and disseminating its findings as widely as possible.
The Institute for the Future is, among other things, investigating the probable social and cultural effects of advanced communications technology.
The Institute for Transuranium, i.e., the Euratom analysis centre in Karlsruhe, has investigated 34 cases of seized nuclear material.
The Institute is investigating an allegation that rock star Sting has suffered a £4m loss.
The Institute researches and investigates issues such as the politics of technology and intellectual property, energy issues, global water shortage, international development, conflict resolution, the root causes of war to advance peace, and human rights on a global scale.
The Institute of Classical Archaeology of the University of Texas at Austin and the local Archaeological Park has investigated the site since 1992.