Throughout 2007 the northbound Days Inn hotel was closed as the ground floor had completely flooded, although it has since reopened.
The ground floor is retail, the whole of the tall tower is office, and the small one houses a Jury's Inn hotel.
The lawsuits resulted from an 18-month investigation of 28 newly built Days Inn hotels in 17 states.
A few miles away, Nader al-Khatib was helping run a banquet for about 50 members of one family at his small Days Inn hotel when, he said, he heard a blast.
On the morning of March 31, 1995, to retrieve paperwork and missing documents, Selena drove to Days Inn hotel and demanded the missing financial papers.
The service station includes a 126 bed Days Inn hotel and is run by Moto.
During the Fall 2008 semester the College also provided overflow student housing at the nearby Days Inn hotel.
In 1989 they bought the Days Inn hotel chain's corporate parent for $765 million, using mostly borrowed money.
There are now more than 1900 Days Inn hotels worldwide, serving millions of guests each year.
The UK's first Hilton Garden Inn hotel opened at Butterfield in July 2008.