Reid was appointed as an associate deputy minister at Industry Canada in 2001.
In the latest report to the Minister of Industry Canada the grant amounted to approximately $27.5 million.
This was not a full cabinet portfolio, but was instead affiliated with Industry Canada.
Industry Canada has proposed making it mandatory to provide roaming access to competing carriers.
Industry Canada reserves the right to issue temporary special event call signs to licensed amateurs using the other available prefixes.
Some special event call signs have been issued by Industry Canada with more than one numeral.
The network provides connectivity to 45 major cities and more than 120 rural communities throughout the ten Industry Canada licensed areas.
Industry Canada warned the station that its broadcasts were illegal since they had not applied for a radio operators license.
Industry Canada further encouraged the teen to operate a web stream or podcast.
Industry Canada reported that if the station continued operating without proper authority, it could consider taking "enforcement measures."