About 1,000 people died, and 250,000 more were forced across the border into the Indonesian territory of West Timor.
Because the consulate is sovereign Indonesian territory, the police were there by invitation.
It is located in Kalimantan, the Indonesian territory of Borneo.
He talked about the murderous state of the Indonesian territory with that W. touch of flipness and swagger we have come to know.
Approximately 73% of the island is Indonesian territory.
The United Nations has been trying to register them to determine how many want to stay on Indonesian territory and how many want to return.
The quarry of sands from Indonesian territories has raised concern over environmental issues.
The Indonesian territory makes up 73% of the island by area, and 69.5% (13,772,543 at the 2010 Census of Indonesia) by population.
In the 13th century Muslim Traders made their way into the Indonesian territory.
"This is not East Timor," one senior administration official said, a reference to the breakaway Indonesian territory where a high commissioner was put in place.