The town on the Indonesian side of the border is Entikong.
Kiswanto started his career as a coach in 1997 when Henk Wullems asked him to be an assistant coach for the Indonesian national side.
The Indonesian side accepted the proposal in its entirely, but the Dutch gave only partial agreement and put forward 12 counter proposals.
The Indonesian side agreed to this plan during the Linggadjati conference in November 1946.
Locals travel by PMV to the market on the Indonesian side of the border to stock up on cheaply made goods.
Intelligence officials say most pirates are based on the Indonesian side of the strait and buy the collusion of villagers by sharing their loot.
Hatta dominated the Indonesian side of the negotiations earning admiration from all sides.
And I believe we will be in good shape on the Indonesian side.
On the Indonesian side of the border, the mountain is within the Betung Kerihun National Park.
A group of people on the Indonesian side of Timor have been reported active since 2001 trying to establish a Great Timor State.