Her poems have appeared in Denver Quarterly, Field, the Indiana Review, New American Writing and Conjunctions.
Her poems have appeared in magazines such as the Indiana Review, Sycamore Review, Ninth Letter, and Poetry.
"Brazilian Telephone", Poetry, November 2010 (Originally appeared in "Indiana Review" 30.2)
Indiana Review (IR) is a small, student-run literary magazine at Indiana University.
"My Girl Mona," Indiana Review (Spring 2002); and, Gumbo: Black Writers.
His drawings have appeared in Indiana Review.
Her fiction has been published widely in such journals as the Indiana Review and the Iowa Review.
He earned degrees from the University of Chicago and Indiana University, where he served as a poetry editor for Indiana Review.
Indiana Review 29.2, Winter 2007.
Some of her works have also appeared in Mid-American Review, Indiana Review, Philippine Studies and the online journal High Chair.