Zulu riot against Indian-owned businesses in Durban.
He is a member of the British Indian Business Forum, established to offer mentoring and support to Indian-owned British businesses.
They note that although there are only one or two Indian-owned businesses here, Indian employees can be found up and down Main Street.
Merchants near the reservations complain that the tax-free sales constitute an unfair advantage for Indian-owned businesses.
It would focus initially on providing large-scale loans to Indian-owned businesses, though it would also invest in non-Indian companies, its members said.
Provides financing for Indian-owned businesses that significantly contribute to a Tribe's economy.
The bank, with a plan to focus initially on providing large-scale loans to Indian-owned businesses, is seeking $19 million more in start-up funds.
Sponsor workshops to train executives of Indian-owned businesses.
Indian-owned businesses were nationalized and their owners were given 175 kyat for their trip to India.
The Pouriers aggressively tackled a problem that has defeated other Indian-owned businesses on the reservation: A cultural clash over the concept of time.