Nazrul's success soon brought him into Indian theatre and the then-nascent film industry.
The film released in Indian theaters on 29 October 2010.
He is known as trend setter in contemporary modern Indian theatre.
After doing yeoman service to the cause of the Indian theatre he died on 17 April 1946.
In Indian theatre and cinema, the female lead stars used to leave the field as soon as they are married.
All delicious, with a dollop of Indian theatre thrown in should you choose a "cooked before your eyes" dish.
The relationship between modern Indian theater and film is symbiotic, involving shared financial, human, artistic and cultural capital.
It was in Mumbai that she got her break into Indian theatre.
Madan Theatres was a major force in Indian theatre throughout the 1920s and 1930s.
The show held on 27 November 1795 is considered the first performance of the modern Indian theatre.