I came here expecting to hear all about how the Indian nuclear test was meant to cope with the Pakistani threat.
China "denounced" the Indian tests, it expressed only "regret" over Pakistan's actions.
Mr. Clinton, who had called the Indian tests "a terrible mistake," indicated today that he supports the bill.
But even before the Indian and Pakistani tests, the treaty was already on life support in the Senate.
Now, some arms control analysts say, the Indian and Pakistani tests may have lessened the chances even further.
The two countries set up a hotline between their capitals, a link that was used for the first time in May after the Indian nuclear tests.
Indian tests that year set off an international outcry and an arms race with Pakistan.
The Indian tests undermined the stability of the global nuclear order.
This was several days after several Indian tests.
Mr. Clinton said that the Indian tests "clearly create a dangerous new instability in their region."