On weekends, Mr. Amin visited Indian stores and introduced it in person.
The Court ruled that states might tax cigarettes, gasoline or other goods sold by Indian stores to people who were not tribal members.
Mr. Wetzler estimated that Indian stores account for about 7 percent of all the cigarette sales in the state, over 113 million packs a year.
"In this small neighborhood," said Sharad Wala, 27, an electronics salesman, "there are almost 200 Indian stores."
Edible rock salt like the black and pink crystal salt found in Indian stores, can be ground using a mortar and pestle.
It will also ask him to order the state to either begin collecting the taxes on Indian stores or stop collecting them on all other stores.
The Indian stores and fur stores and fur depots interested me most.
I bought cough drops in a rickety Indian store of some kind.
Finally in the Indian store I saw a blue enamel bracelet that looked quite elegant and only cost four dollars.
The main street is filled with small Indian stores.