He also crossed the Atlantic many times, returning with crates of American Indian materials that had been exported by European collectors.
The first satyagraha movement urged the use of khadi and Indian material as alternatives to those shipped from Britain.
But underneath where the plow hadn't reached, we found Indian material.
Many universities, like Stanford in California, have already formulated policies for the return of Indian materials.
Mixed with the soil filling in the former moat are numerous Spanish and Indian materials from the 16th century.
Challenge on Materials The Indian material, like that being explored in a number of other laboratories, was an oxide of copper.
His official position was as Curator of American Indian materials.
The wedding cake looked as if it were made of a piece of white Indian material woven with gold threads.
As an adult, he continued to acquire tribal works, both African and American Indian material, along with Surrealist and contemporary art.
He intended to work on publishing German war news and Indian revolutionary material to be smuggled into India via Burma.