Centuries ago, Indian inhabitants called this part of the world "nebrathka" - or "flat water."
Lebanon was initially called Wyota, after the original Indian inhabitants of the area.
Brazil has many laws and organizations designed to protect the forests and their Indian inhabitants.
Tradition has it that Hometown was a favorite site of the original Indian inhabitants.
The red colour also represents blood shed by Arubians, the Indian inhabitants, during the french pass war; patriotic love.
Ms. Cantwell specializes in the elusive presence of the first Indian inhabitants.
Many descendants of the first Indian inhabitants live today on Manitoulin - about a quarter of the island's 12,000 residents.
The conditions of Indian inhabitants of the jails was deplorable.
The goals of the Indian inhabitants were to gain a deed to the island, establish an Indian university, cultural center, and museum.
At the monument, the remains of Indian inhabitants within five caves in a cliff can be found.