Over the years, the Western elements have increased, but without completely destroying the Indian flavour.
But most Indian palates are still attuned to Indian flavors.
Originally in the craftsman style -functional, sturdy and straightforward - the house took on more of an American Indian flavor as time went on.
It is copying with an Indian flavor.
It comes in 4 tropical flavours: blonde, dark, red and Indian.
It's never less than interesting, and should be a must for anyone curious about the range and breadth of Indian flavors.
The shrimp are plump and juicy, served with an intense tomato jam with a vaguely Indian flavor.
Serendip by sunset had a pronounced Indian flavor, with skirting music and exotic cooking smells riding the breeze off the sea.
For an Indian flavor, add chopped pistachio nuts to taste, about Y cup, and a dash of cardamom.
It is a must-try for anyone interested in the range and breadth of Indian flavors.