The 85,000-square-foot museum claims to have more exhibition space than any other American Indian center in the country.
In all, personnel experts estimate that in the next 18 months, the Indian centers of multinational technology companies will double their head counts from 40,000 today.
AIM soon played a major role in building a network of urban Indian centers, churches and philanthropic organizations.
But now the Government money is gone, and the 12-year-old Turtle, as the American Indian cultural center and museum is known, is facing an increasingly uncertain future.
A huge piece of land has been earmarked in Fohsan state, which will not only house the temple but also an Indian cultural centre.
The Indian center designing and developing the high-end microprocessor will be Intel's third such site, after the United States and Israel.
Few foreigners visit the Indian center at Nebaj, 40 rugged miles past Santa Cruz, and children selling intricately woven fabrics quickly surround arriving vehicles.
People here envisioned using some of the money for retraining programs and building docks for cruise ships, Indian cultural centers and industrial parks.
Skins are rough-cured in the field and handed over to dealers, who send them for further treatment to Indian tanning centres.
As they drove to the Indian center in Akron, Otis Sexton knew what he'd tell the Indian official.