According to Kernohan, the recent relaxation on the Indian side reflects a "real window of opportunity" to improve India-Pakistan relations.
"I wonder at the general, popular level if it bodes well for India-Pakistan relations," she said by telephone from Lahore.
The Indian and Pakistani governments vowed not to let the attack - designed to disrupt India-Pakistan relations - freeze biltateral peace talks.
Dealing with a fictionalized account of the India-Pakistan relations, the film emerged as a major commercial success.
War and Peace in South Asia: a revisionist view of India-Pakistan relations.
He was the Foreign Secretary of Pakistan at an important period in India-Pakistan relations, from 1997 to 2000.
We are encouraged by what we see as shifting parameters in India-Pakistan relations during the last months.
He has also extensively covered India-Pakistan relations.
Pakistan asked India to offer proof, and India-Pakistan relations fell to a new low.
In 2002, he was elected head of a newly formed peace network that aims to mend India-Pakistan relations.