The Immigration Ordinance is Chapter 115 of Hong Kong's Ordinances.
The next morning, the weather had returned to normal, and Lam announced his ruling that the relevant provision of the Immigration Ordinance was inconsistent with the Basic Law.
The Custom refused Mr. Bahadur's application for permission to land by virtue of section 11(10) of the Immigration Ordinance.
The purpose of the Immigration Ordinance is to maintain the fiction that the inhabitants of the Chagos are not a permanent or semi-permanent population.
August 26 - The First Immigration Ordinance sets the quota for Jewish immigration at 16,500 for the first year.
In 2000 the High Court ruled the 1971 Immigration Ordinance preventing resettlement unlawful.
Hong Kong's Immigration Ordinance initially restricted the application of Article 24(1) to babies whose parents had the right of abode at the time of the baby's birth.
More immigration acts came in the 1950s with the Immigration Ordinance introduced in 1959 when Singapore had full internal self-government.
Counsel for Muhammad attempted to argue that the relevant provisions of the Immigration Ordinance discriminated against people not of Chinese origin; this was unsuccessful.
The proclamation repealed the White Paper of 1939 and sections 13 and 15 of the Immigration Ordinance of 1941.