Earlier this month, Illinois legislators approved new restrictions on predatory loans.
Unless Illinois legislators approve a proposal this week to finance construction of a new stadium.
He said the deciding factor was "the agreement of Illinois legislators to support the incentive package."
Last week, three Illinois legislators who are upset over the strike threatened to cut off the hotel tax to help force a settlement.
Illinois legislators expected to continue their debate into the week, but faced the prospect of closing down some state services as talks continued.
Taking an Illinois legislator to the site, he extracted a promise to save the mounds, but faced the obvious question: "What's in it for you?"
In fact, President Obama visited when he was an Illinois legislator.
A Shift in Authority The new law, much debated by Illinois legislators, takes effect next July.
The food bank's supply grew when Illinois legislators passed a Good Samaritan law in 1981.
The next year, Washington went to Springfield to protest Illinois legislators' coming probe of "subversives".