The Illinois delegation, which would obtain $48 million in project contracts this year, voted 18 to 2 against the amendment.
She then stepped back onto the street as the Illinois delegation passed, joining her white friends in the middle of the parade.
Wells feigned agreement, but much to the shock of Trout, she joined the Illinois delegation once the parade started.
Nonetheless, a portion of the Illinois delegation placed Seymour's name in nomination during the convention.
Yates is the only congressman in the Illinois delegation who refuses to set up an e-mail link for constituents.
I wouldn't be surprised to see the whole Illinois delegation behind it.
I will personally miss his leadership and his counsel in our Illinois delegation.
"slipped out of the crowd along the parade route" to join the Illinois delegation.
Because of this liberalism, Hearst had the Illinois delegation pledged to him and the promise of several other states.
A woman was on her feet in the Illinois delegation: "No, Jesse!"