As a result, the Illinois legislature has moved to cut the museum's financing.
One bill introduced in the Illinois legislature even called for schools to take children "from birth to kindergarten."
He was elected to the Illinois Legislature for seven terms, the first in 1941.
Patterson served in Illinois legislature briefly, married and was the father of three daughters by 1906.
The Illinois legislature refused for the eighth time to ratify.
"Philosophers and theologians may debate, but there is no doubt in the mind of the Illinois legislature when life begins," he wrote.
Strong regional support for the project led the Illinois legislature to circumvent the federal government and complete the canal with state funding.
Last year, the Illinois legislature imposed a $5 fee for each electronic driver's license search.
Douglas was later re-elected to the Senate by the Illinois legislature.
When a crisis point came, the Illinois legislature did just that, stalling fare hikes for a time.