He served as member of the St. Clair County, Illinois, Board of Supervisors 1930-1934.
The Illinois Board of State Park Advisers was established under a 1925 state law.
But last summer, when the Illinois Board of Higher Education urged a shift of emphasis from research to teaching, faculty members throughout the state were hostile.
The Chicago campus has been approved by the Illinois Board of Higher Education.
The act removed the junior colleges from the common school system and placed them under the jurisdiction of the Illinois Board of Higher Education.
He was appointed a member of the Illinois Board of Livestock Commissioners in 1886.
The Illinois Board of Health attempted to revoke Haiselden's medical license but that action was dropped.
In 1967, he was also named president of the University of Illinois Board of Trustees, of which he had been a member since 1950.
One year later, the college was granted authority to award Bachelor of Arts degrees by the Illinois Board of Higher Education.
Illinois Board of Higher Education (chairman)