In these can be found many of the Icelandic words coined by Jónas.
The band's name is the Icelandic word for crepuscular rays.
Like other Germanic languages, Icelandic words have a tendency to be compounded.
These peculiar tendencies of roans led to the Icelandic word for roan, which translates as "always changing color."
The name hraun comes from the Icelandic word for lava.
Jökulhlaup is an Icelandic word which refers specifically to floods having a glacial trigger.
Gott is an Icelandic and Swedish word meaning good.
It uses High Icelandic words as examples of word-formation.
The name was later in the same year changed to Valur, which is an Icelandic word for gyrfalcon.
Icelandic words never start with ð, which means the capital version Ð is hardly ever used.