Also according to Coogan, the years in internment left a great mark on the IRA veterans who remained there long term.
Terri O'Neal watched the IRA veterans pass on the television screen.
George Plant, a Protestant IRA veteran, was later executed in Portlaoise for Devereux's murder.
Old IRA veterans objected to the venue, which commemorates those who died in "the cause of Irish freedom", being used to honour British Army veterans.
However, IRA veterans of the time, who spoke to authors Brian Hanley and Scott Millar disputed this interpretation.
A "once powerful man," he is an IRA veteran and a farmer.
This was formed mainly of hastily-trained anti-Treaty IRA veterans.
Ironically, the men accused of these war-crimes were mostly from the Dublin Guard, themselves IRA veterans from 1919-21.
At this time, its numbers were greatly expanded from a core of IRA veterans to a battalion sized unit, and eventually a brigade.
She married an IRA veteran, Donal O'Donoghue, in 1935 and had two children.