By 1950, the IBM card had become ubiquitous in industry and government.
During this first step, three separate quality-control checks are made on each IBM card to eliminate erroneous data.
For the IBM 80-column card, introduced in 1928, each column represented a single digit, letter or special character.
An IBM 1402 card reader/punch was used for batch job submission.
The 80-column card format dominated the industry, becoming known as just IBM cards, even though other companies made cards and equipment to process them.
An early paper on augmented plane waves used an IBM card programmed calculator.
I could almost see the IBM cards flickering behind those hard brown eyes, and was flattered by the brevity of his access time.
IBM cards were fed face down, 12-edge first.
He took out a deck of IBM cards and laid them on the console.
In this system, forms that applicants filled out were processed by an early IBM card sorting machine.