The real field for Hungarian authors is the alternative market, where 31 different Hungarian comics were published in 2009.
Individual graphic novels, comic books from Hungarian authors are not as common, but luckily each year produces a handful of them.
Foreign rights to their Hungarian authors' books are represented by the Sárközy & Co.
While serving his sentence, Safarov translated two novels by Hungarian authors into Azerbaijani.
Pozsonyi Ádám (born 1969) is a Hungarian author, publicist, and punk musician.
These clashes (also called Black March by some Hungarian authors) left several people dead and hundreds injured.
Louis Heilprin (1851-1912) was a Hungarian American author, historian, and encyclopedia editor.
He is a nephew of the Hungarian author and former dissident István Eörsi.
From 1963, he published numerous books of Hungarian authors in his publishing house Aurora.
They also published some books from Hungarian authors.