The bill also permits people to take complaints under the city's Human Rights Law to a state court, thus providing an alternative.
"But the problem with the Human Rights Law is that there are no clear parameters to guide you."
The county Board of Legislators will hold a public hearing on Jan. 22 to consider changes to Westchester's one-year-old Human Rights Law.
What it does is to add alienage and citizenship status to the city's Human Rights Law as grounds on which it is illegal to discriminate.
"It demonstrates a lack of understanding of the commission's objectives and practical application of the city's Human Rights Law."
We enforce the city's Human Rights Law to eliminate employment discrimination (and other forms of discrimination) against people with disabilities.
The Division is responsible for investigating, prosecuting, and adjudicating complaints of discrimination brought under New York's Human Rights Law.
There are currently 25 seats for Human Rights Law and 25 seats for Business Law.
M dissertations (mostly on Human Rights Law) and 12 Ph.D students.
Pepper is involved in Human Rights Law.