I believe Zhoule was a multiple Hugo winner.
Well, the fourth was the actual Hugo winner, "The City at the Edge of Forever," by Harlan Ellison.
All of these books are still in print but one, and one of them was itself a Hugo winner.
L. Gold (Hugo winner, Nebula nominee) Women of the Wood and Other Stories-A.
I'd be very interested to see you blogging on these, if you have time in between all the Hugo winners... I've only read The Driver's Seat, but thought it was wonderful - disturbing and unforgettable.
He is best known for his 1963 Hugo winner, The Man in the High Castle He has lived for many years in California where he briefly attended university.
Cascade Point short story and Hugo winner (1983)
It's a long way off the high standard of most of the Hugo winners in the 1960s and 70s, but there's still plenty going on here.
I think most of my disappointment stemmed from the fact that the other Hugo winners in the 70s are generally so good.
Since you published the last installment there has been another Hugo winner: at one article every eight months it will take you 100 years to catch up.